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Dave: You cried before. When I mentioned your family…It’s a good thing, Cari, you’re finally letting it fall…this mask of strength and determination…

Me: I lied to you, Dave…I said I’m fine, but I’m not…

Dave: I know, Cari. I can read in your soul, remember? You told me that when we first met. Tell me what do you need right now?

Me: To stay in your arms, that’s all. I know how it may sound…I blame myself for doing this to you…I blame myself for searching in you…

Dave: Let’s make a deal, you and me. No one will blame no one. Guilt is the only forbidden feeling when it comes to us…

“-You can take my hand, it’s alright, Cari. I wont let you fall off the cliffs.

She took his hand, it was a gentle but strong touch, making her feel safe. The waves were rushing to the shore like the sea was angry at her.

-Here it is…the place where I first saw Alessio…now you saw…That’s why I said it…I don’t wanna go back here…I don’t wanna feel this anymore. I wanna erase everything, from the moment I met him…till now.

Angelo pulled her closer, to protect her from the angry waves. She was trembling and he gently touched her face.

-I’m sorry, Angelo…

-What for?

-You really don’t need all this drama in your life. I shouldn’t…

She wanted to say something, but she felt so cold and so tired that she couldn’t even speak. He took her in his arms, keeping her warm.

-Is it better?

-I think I’ll freeze…but it feels much better now, thank you.

-This is how I want you to remember this place. This warm sensation of being in my arms. Knowing for sure that you wont fall. And believing with your every fiber that you’re precious and beautiful. And loved…

She wiped away her tears and smiled for the first time.

-Angelo, I’ll never find the right words to thank you for what you did tonight. You saved my life. You actually took me from a place where it was dark and brought me back to light.

-And this it’s only the beginning. I have big plans for you, Cari. Come on, take my hand…look back one more time, are you ready to let it all behind you?

-I don’t have other choice. I don’t have…anything. My parents, my home…my first love…I have nothing…And when I’ll return to Rome…I don’t wanna go there and I don’t wanna stay here. Ohhhhh, Angelo…

He ran his fingers trough her hair, arranging it on her shoulders.

-You have me. And I have all you need to make your dreams come true. Money…don’t look at me like that…you need them in order to survive…Time…to listen to you, to be with you…What if I’d tell you that I’ll deal with Matteo…what if I’d take all the burdens from your shoulders…starting from here and now?

She realized that they’re in front of the hotel.

-I would say it’s a dream come true…and I would say it’s impossible. People don’t do that…men don’t do that…unless they want something in return. Angelo, if I’ll go to that hotel room with you…

She turned her back wanting so much to believe. She couldn’t stop her tears.

-Carissa…look into my eyes. Don’t look away, don’t look down. Nothing bad will happen to you in that hotel room. Nothing inappropriate. If you’ll go to that hotel room with me…

She tried to say something but suddenly she saw everything turning black around her. A sensation of nausea, the pain in her head, brief flashes from the car accident…black again, her knees getting weak…and then all white. Warm, white, a scent of mosque and someone calling her name.

-What…where…ohhhh, I’m so sorry…

-It’s alright…do you want me to call the doctor? Or to go to the ER? You’re in my hotel room…you felt sick in front of the hotel…

-No…don’t call the doctor. I…I’m thirsty…do you have water?

He helped her to sit. Her hands were visibly shaking.

-Cari, when was the last time you had something to eat?

-I can’t remember…yesterday…or two days ago…but I’m not hungry…I just wanna sleep, can’t remember when was the last time I slept…Can I sleep here?

He look closer at her, seeing the bruises from the car accident, the pale scars on her neck from the attack…her eyes closing by themselves.

-What happen to you, Cari…

-I don’t know, I just had a rough time lately…Promise me you wont hurt me, cause I couldn’t bare another…

-Poor child…of course I wont hurt you. I promise you I’ll do anything, I’ll give you everything you need to heal…you can close your eyes and sleep here, you’re safe…

-Can you, please, hold me? Just for a while…

She fell asleep feeling his arms around her. Dreaming of being cradled and feeling like a child…finally home.”

Dave: You saw in him the perfect father figure. Have you ever wondered why was he so interested on you?

Me: If you’re trying to suggest…let me tell you one thing: he never ever crossed the line! Never! There were moments when he could easily turn this into something sexual, but he always was the perfect gentleman. And I did loved him like a child loves his father…

Dave: Now you’re upset…Cari, he wasn’t perfect…in fact, he was far from being perfect…

Me: He was good to me, he made me feel loved and he never tried to take advantage of me. And that makes him perfect in my eyes…